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Wherever possible you should refer to the original PDF version of this document page 1 INCLUSIVE CAIRNGORMS Minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2011 at 11.00am In the Lonach Hall, Strathdon Present: Jim Brown (Chair) Blackrock Productions Elspeth Grant CNPA Karen Archer CNPA Stuart Robertson Aberdeenshire Council Jackie Cropper Grand Central Savings Adam Streeter-Smith CNPA Morag Redwood Highlands & Islands Equality Forum Miranda Whitcomb Forestry Commission Gordon Riddler CNPA Board Alison Lax CNPA Hazel McLaren Aberdeenshire Council Anne MacLean RNIB Claire Ross CNPA Apologies: Hector MacDonald SDEF Tracy Latham Aberdeenshire Council Kate Christie CNPA Frances Powell Women@Work Project Simon Jeffrey HC Community Learning and Development Lewis Thomson B&S Community Transport Co Ivor Souter Highland Council Rachel Strachan Capability Scotland Kevin Hutchens Independent Social Worker Don Ferguson Highland Disabled Ramblers Anne Howe Badenoch & Strathspey Community Care Forum Margaret McLaren Caberfeidh Horizons Sheila Fletcher Community Transport Assoc Alasdair Johnston Aberdeen City Council Welcome and Introduction 1. Jim Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting and the apologies were noted. Minutes of the Last Meeting 2. The adoption of the minutes of the last meeting held on 27 January were proposed by Morag Redwood and seconded by Hazel McLaren, subject to a additional note that Kevin Hutchens is currently taking leave of absence from the committee due to his standing for the Scottish Parliament. Matters Arising from the Minutes page 2 3. Ref para 4, EG reported that following the sub group meeting with Bob Kinnaird at Glenmore Lodge, we are discussing ways to encourage course uptake by harder to reach groups through Inclusive Cairngorms, through promoting bursary places on mainstream courses, advising on bespoke courses and holding a taster activity day for group leaders. 4. Ref para 15, AMc reported that assistance for people with visual impairments was provided at Service Points to allow them to vote in the CNP local election. However this service was not publicised. It was suggested we write to Alistair Dodds, Returning officer, to point this out and suggest at next election to include information in ballot packs. Action EG Jackie Cropper, Grand Central Savings 5. Jackie gave a presentation on the history and work of Grand Central Savings, an independent charity providing banking facilities, money advice and assistance to the most financially excluded in communities. GCS operates in the Glasgow area, but looking to open a new branch in Aberdeen and future branches in partnership with local organisations. 6. They are exploring a rural model which could apply in the National Park, and discussions with Lottery suggest that more research is needed, eg to identify the current situation re financial service provision, needs, gaps, social and economic trends, issues etc in the National Park. It was noted that there are various existing sources of information and research. Action: Members to forward relevant research to Jackie. CNPA Public Duties Equality Duties 7. A recent update by Scottish Govt reports that The general duty in the Equality Act 2010 comes into force on 5 April Scottish Ministers have rejected the draft regulations for the specific duties in the Equality Act. However the Scottish Govt will undertake further consultations on the specific duties later in 2011. Meantime public bodies should continue to embed equality into their work and build on systems and good practice which have developed from current duties. 8. EG circulated the final versions of the Park for All checklists on which members had provided feedback. These will be available on the CNPA website, see http://www.cairngorms.co.uk/nationalparkplan/aparkforall/ and promoted to partner organisations, including the voluntary sector. Action EG 9. It was reported that Equalities training is being run with both Cairngorms and Loch Lomond & the Trossachs NPA staff and Board members. It is being delivered by SCVO Highlands & Island Equality Forum. page 3 National Park Plan 2 / Local Development Plan 10. Alison Lax reported on how CNPA is impact assessing the development of the new National Park Plan, both in terms of the writing of the Plan, involving people in the process, and the delivery of the Plan. Engagement statement will set out how people have been involved in the process (1500 people been involved to date) Include an indicator re equalities to monitor delivery of Park Plan. 11. The draft NPP will be on consultation from August to November 2011. Opportunity for Inclusive Cairngorms to comment at their meeting in September. Outdoor Access 12. Adam Streeter Smith gave an update on CNPA outdoor access work: CNPA have recently approved £185,000 to Cairngorms Outdoor Access Trust for their work on upland paths, community paths and health walks programme. New path signage has recently been installed in Boat of Garten, Carr Bridge and is being rolled out to other communities. New path leaflets are also being produced in association with community groups. Inclusive Cairngorms membership 13. EG had circulated a paper on IC membership, noting CNPAs priority groups, existing members and suggestions for new members. Other suggestions were made, and EG would send invites to join the Forum. Action EG Young People 14. Hazel McLaren reported on some of the youth work happening in Marr area: youth forum, and a Youth partnership set up in Upper Deeside. Disability 15. Anne MacLean reported on the Roads for All project which will upgrade bus stops between Grantown and Aviemore and the new community school. It was noted that the project needed community support. Anne will continue to stay on the group as an adviser. 16. Anne MacLean referred to Article 19, a EU directive that allows public bodies to reserve contracts for supported businesses that employ disabled people, including those with sight loss. It was suggested that CNPA and LL&TNPA could adopt this into their procurement procedures. Action EG to pass on information to Head of Corporate Services for consideration. AOCB 17. Producing leaflets in other languages – CNPA would consider this in response to visitor statistics, demand, and in line with Cairngorms Business Partnershi's Marketing strategy. page 4 18. Travel Line – a useful source of information on public transport, bus timetables, etc. Tel: 0871 200 22 33 Date of Next meeting 16 June 2011 at 11.00am at a venue in Highland / Perthshire. 22 September at 11.00am Elspeth Grant May 2011